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Flow and Fly An Arm-Balance Playshop

A Funky Flow, Inversion and Arm-Balance Playshop with Jamie, Saturday 11th September 2021, 3 -5.30pm


(membership discounts applied automatically 10% & 15% depending on which membership package you have.)

Join Jamie for a playful journey around the mat, stopping along the way to focus on inversions and arm balances.
We’ll use blocks, props and the wall to build confidence towards learning popular peak poses, taking you upside down (if you feel ready!) and building your balance, strength and flexibility. All to some highly uplifting tunes!


A really important thing to remember when practicing arm-balances and any yoga really, is not to expect a perfect, polished pose straight away. Yoga is an art-form, a discipline that takes practice which is why its called a ‘practice.’ However, there is much to be learnt, felt and understood along the journey which can be lots of fun too. At Alchemise, we give you the building blocks then when the time is right you may get flight. What you can guarantee is your muscles will be responding and the intricate muscles which happen to support your skeletal structure well throughout your life, become activated, strengthen and give you a new found remembrance that courage, strength and joy are a muscle built from within. Arm-balances can be great fun and what better medicine for the soul is there, than play.

Every pose is a journey so whether you are taking your first steps or looking to advance your practice, this playshop will give you the opportunity to play, ask questions, support each other and have some fun!


Jamie attended his first yoga class in the early 2000’s. Initially drawn to the physical benefits of Yoga he used his practise to bring strength, focus and flexibility to his career as an Actor and performer in Musical Theatre. As his practise deepened he realised the benefits stretched much further than just physical well being and he decided to take his teacher training in 2019. Yoga has now blossomed from a hobby to a full time career and Jamie recently trained in Wheel, Rocket and Trapeze Yoga and is completing his Yin training in May 2021.

His background in dance infuses a passion for linking breath and movement and exploring the creativity that Vinyasa and flow can bring to traditional Hatha poses.

You are invited to come and have a wonderful afternoon, playing your edge and surprising yourself at just what your body can do!

What's included in this playshop.

  • Great sequences and flows
  • Inspiring and Uplifting music
  • A confidence boost
  • Improved strength and flexibility
  • Socialising with likeminded people
  • Deep Relaxation
  • Expert knowledge and tips

I too have heard the dead singing and they tell me that life is good. They tell me to live it gently with fire, and always with hope. There is wonder here and there is surprise - in everything the unseen moves. - Ben Okri