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Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowls - A Soundscape Journey

Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowls – A Soundscape Journey with Wendy Loughlan
Saturday 17th February 2024, 11 – 1.30pm – £32 with discounts a checkout for all members
Wendy invites you to join her for an exquisitely longer crystal singing bowls, replenishing playshop because what if the real flex is a truly calm, safe & relaxed nervous system! You are welcome to bring your own blanket and pillows but the studio can also provide all props, along with an underfloor heating! I invite you to relax, let go and be taken on a soundscape journey within.
We will set intentions, create sacred space, apply and anoint our body & key pulse points to initiate rest with wildly foraged and created essential oil anointing meditation & ritual oil, there’ll be a Silver Birch Tree, guided meditation along with breathing techniques that help release & relax. Then you’ll lay down all snuggled up and receive the magic of the exquisite gemstone sounds of Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowls sound therapy! We’ll honour the seasons and months of Feb/March, contemplating the ‘beauty of the bud’ and all of its pure potentiality as we clear and cleanse our mind, body and most importantly, spirit, in preparation for the unfurling of ourselves through the seasons in a way that feels the most authentic, loving and real, from within.
Will you join me? I’m super excited for these new offerings!
* Please note there will be minimal and gentle movement  (ten mins only) to open the lungs for breathwork and help you relax more deeply in this workshop – it is mainly laying down or seated*
Picking up a shimmering bowl of light Infused with precious gemstones, minerals & metals. You hear the gentle draw of the mallet around the rim and your body is filled with an exquisite vibration of crystalline sound. Every cell in your body dances and begins to sing. Your mind becomes quiet and still. Ancient healing is taking place. Your heart begins to soften and open and you remember again, who you are…
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” Deep rest is not self-indulgence, it is self-preservation, it is respect for life.”

–  Adelene Cheong

Including us, everything on the planet is vibrating a resonant tone, even if you do not hear or feel it. When an organ or body part is healthy this too has a resonance which has a harmonic attunement within the rest of the body. If an organ or body part is experiencing dis-ease this resonance becomes altered and blocked. By amplifying and projecting sound into the blocked or tense areas,correct harmonic patterns are restored, the energy lines and our blood circulation become little rivers flowing easefully again. Our bodies are made of up to 90% water, we are basically crystalline in structure, we have crystals in our ears, jaw & other parts of our body. Crystals mixed with sound healing have an incredible effect on our bodies because both body and crystals comprise of similar minerals, we are already primed to receive this healing. When working with Alchemy Crystal Healing Sound Bowls profound effects within the organs, tissues, cells of the body as well as the circulatory, endocrine and metabolic systems come back towards optimal vibratory resonance. This is how profound healing may be experienced and shifts within our experiences of our body and life may improve.
Specific harmonic energy that emanates from Crystal Singing Bowls is not only determined by the bowl size, shape and imperfections but by combining pure raw quartz with other minerals and elements, including precious gemstones. There are many inexpensive crystal singing bowls out-there. However, they leave a completely different resonance within the body compared to pure Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowls which are infused with precious metals such as platinum gold & palladium, gemstones such as rose & smokey quartz and minerals such as tesseract salt flame. Wendy’s bowls carry pure overtones resonance which create a perfect space for healing. She also combines beautiful chime bells for each of the elements, pure crystal quartz pyramid, tuning forks, drum and voice with her musical soundscape offerings.
Gentle movement will bring your body into the present moment, breathwork to prepare your lungs and connect you to your feeling body and plant allies and essential oils to support your nervous system and prepare for calm. We are in the age of awakening and sonic tools are being used in transformational ways, ancient wisdom and modern application are creating quantum leaps for healing both for the individual and collective consciousness. I hope you will join me for this beautiful workshop full of love, intention and affirmation which will soon become a signature monthly offering at Alchemise Yoga Studio. 

About Wendy

Wendy has a Sports Science and Environmental Science Degree, is a Yoga Alliance Senior Yoga Teacher and ultimate student in the academy of life. Wendy is a visionary artisan who weaves yoga alignment, mythical, dynamic yoga flows, movement meditations, tantric philosophy, mudra, mantra, meditation, pranayama, soul quests, somatic movement and practices which embody consciousness through invoking the great elements of Mother Nature herself. Wendy is a Quantum Sound healer working specifically with Alchemy Crystal Healing Bowls to create sound journeys of deep rest, healing & transformation. Wendy awakens shakti, (energy) wild hearts, treasured Souls and optimal energy channels of her dedicated students.

Wendy’s teachings convey true nature & yoga’s beautiful power with love, intelligence and commitment. She teaches with a deeply respectful knowledge of alignment and therapeutics to truly enhance students’ on their journey towards a stronger, flexible, more confident body; allowing each unique Soul to function according to their own true nature. Sessions are weaved with philosophical themes inviting you to live through the ears of your heart’ s desire and explore your own potent potential now. Guaranteed is fun, encouragement, serenity and a journey to a beautiful secluded place of transformation within your body, mind, heart and soul. Wendy truly encourages your inner muse and is an inspiretress of the highest; love.


``We must become crystals ourselves. Each cell of the body must be as clear as a crystal in order to receive and emit the purest energetic information possible for earth and humans at this critical point in evolution. With crystal clear cells, we can achieve anything.`` - Jacques

- Wendy Loughlan

“Always practice with attention to today’s body, not yesterday’s”

Judith Hanson Lasater


Benefits of Alchemy Crystal Sound Bathing

You may experience a number of physical and emotional things, such as: visions, emotional and physical blockages released, questions answered, inspiration, retrieval of memories, tingling, vibrating, temperature changes, deep rest and reset sensations. You may also not experience these and simply enjoy your experience trusting the mediative process where science comes together with spirit and magic.
Tea will be served after the session to bring you back into the space gently.
Alchemy Crystal Sound Bathing offer a host of benefits, both physically and mentally:
– deeply relaxes the body
– stills a busy mind
– releases muscular tension, improving mobility and flexibility
– improves capacity for healing and balancing
– balances the nervous system
– boosts the immune system
– develops qualities of love, compassion and understanding toward others and self

Helpful Tips

– bring socks and a long-sleeved top
– wear comfortable, cosy layers to keep you warm, especially as the body cools down when in states of deep rest (you may bring your own pillow if you wish)
– bring your own eye pillow (studio has plenty if not bringing your own)
– bring your own water bottle
– leave your phone switched off during the session
– open to all – complete beginners warmly welcomed
– relax and enjoy!

Alchemise members receive 10% (Baby Dancer) or 15% (Full Dancer) discount applied automatically at check out Book now, looking forward to seeing you soon!